Is it Possible to Have a Healthy Sex Life With Vulvodynia?
At Pelvic Pain Doc, we're the first to say that sex should never be painful. However, as pelvic pain specialists in New York, we are all too aware that sex can be excruciating for some patients, if not flat out impossible. A number of pelvic pain conditions can cause painfu...
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Can an IUD Fitting Cause Vaginismus?
Take a moment to imagine this scenario: you decide to get an intrauterine device (IUD) to be proactive about birth control or to regulate your menstrual cycle, only to be hit with debilitating pain with IUD insertion. To make matters worse, the pain doesn't stop there. It c...
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Pelvic Pain Specialist vs. OB/GYN: What’s the Difference?
So you've been suffering from pelvic pain and you’ve finally decided to find yourself the care you deserve. The Pelvic Pain Doc team is here for it (insert clapping hands emoji here)! We love to see people take control of their pain and get themselves on the road to r...
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What Causes Vulvar Itching and Tearing?
We're just going to ask the awkward question: is your vulva itchy? If so, there’s no need to be embarrassed. Vulvar itching is an incredibly common pelvic health concern that can have a variety of causes. But just because it’s common doesn’t make it enjoya...
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Adenomyosis: The Disorder You May Have Never Heard Of
Fact: pelvic health is one of the most misunderstood areas of health care. That's because health care providers have historically lumped all symptoms of pelvic pain together and brushed them off as something people just have to live with. All too often, patients are told th...
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Dr. Sonia Bahlani is a New York Super Doctors Rising Star!
Ten years ago, Dr. Sonia Bahlani set out on a mission to end the stigma of pelvic pain and sexual health conditions, and dedicated her life to helping patients overcome their pain. This year, Pelvic Pain Doc is proud to announce that Dr. Bahlani has been named to the 2022 New Yor...
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The Best Contraceptive Options: How to Choose What’s Right For You
The Best Contraceptive Options: How to Choose What's Right For YouWorrying about contraception is one of the least fun parts of being a sexually active human. But for better or worse, we are each responsible for taking care of our own birth control. Fortunately, we’v...
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Recovering From Postpartum Prolapse
Recovering From Postpartum ProlapseAs anyone who has ever given birth well knows, the process of growing and birthing a human is tough work. As for the process of recovering from giving birth? Well, in many cases, it can be even harder! But all too often, doctors and maternity c...
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Pelvic Pain Doc’s (Mostly) Amazon Holiday Gift Ideas
Pelvic Pain Doc's (Mostly) Amazon Holiday Gift IdeasAt Pelvic Pain Doc, we can’t quite believe the holiday season is already here but we’re ready to get into the full festive spirit! Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? If not, don’t panic &mdash...
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Am I Imagining Pelvic Muscle Twitches?
Table of ContentsAm I Imagining Pelvic Muscle Twitches?What Are Pelvic Muscle Spasms?The Causes and Symptoms of Pelvic Floor SpasmsHow to Treat Pelvic Muscle SpasmsAm I Imagining Pelvic Muscle Twitches?Have you ever experienced an odd twitching feeling in your eyelid or...
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