When it comes to current health trends, CBD is the latest catch-all cure for whatever ails you. It’s been known to aid with sleep, relieve anxiety and even reduce epileptic seizures. There’s also increasing evidence that CBD can be effective in relieving chronic pain — including chronic pelvic pain.
New York’s pelvic pain specialist, Dr. Sonia Bahlani, recently sat down with Dr. Oz to talk about CBD and its role in treating chronic pain. Curious about whether CBD is right for you? The episode is coming soon, to stay tuned to learn everything you need to know about CBD and its uses, dose patterns, forms and effects on pain symptoms.
“It has always been a goal of mine to bring pain awareness to mainstream media,” says Dr. Bahlani. “Speaking with Dr. Oz was the perfect platform to spread our message. He is so kind, bright and open to new pain management options like CBD.”
If you’re suffering from pelvic pain (or any type of chronic pain) and struggling to find relief, CBD could be the answer you’re searching for.
Photos from behind the scenes!